Descendants of LIM Cheng Sah
LIM family tree #1A revised: 25 September 2021
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click on the thumbnails to enlarge the photos,
& click on the boxes below, for links to individual's family details
Descendants of A: LIM Cheng Sah He
had 6 children
Descendants of B.1: LIM Chwee Leong
He had 8 children Latest group photo of
Lim family, The 5 surviving children
of Lim Chwee Leong Showing the grand-children of Lim Chwee Leong Descendants of C.1.1: LIM Siew Lan
Descendants of C.1.2: LIM Chong Eu
Descendants of C.1.3: LIM Siew Hua
Descendants of C.1.4: LIM Siew Bee
Descendants of C.1.5: LIM Siew Boey Descendants of C.1.6: LIM Chong Soo
Descendants of C.1.7: LIM Chong Beng
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family members. | Goto LIM Family tree pg.1 | Return to web
Index Pg. (LIM) | Return to web Index Pg. (CHIA) | Goto CHIA Family tree